RAC Referral Program

RAC Referral Program: Your Network Can Reward You!

At RAC, we value the power of connections. Our referral program is designed to reward our clients and partners who introduce us to new corporate and multinational companies. It’s not just about expanding our network; it’s about appreciating yours. Here’s how you can benefit from referring us:

How It Works:

  1. Single Referral:
    • Reward: For one valid referral, you receive a gift voucher worth Rs. 200/- or a free movie ticket.
    • Extra Perk: If a meeting with the referred contact is arranged, you’re eligible for dinner vouchers.
    • Bonus: If the referral leads to a sale, you get a chance to win trip/travel vouchers worth Rs. 2,000/-.
  2. Double Referral:
    • Reward: Two referrals earn you two free movie tickets.
    • Extra Perk: If meetings are set up with both referrals, enjoy movie and dinner vouchers for two.
    • Bonus: If sales are done with both referrals, stand a chance to win a trip to Goa worth Rs. 10,000/-.
  3. Triple Referral:
    • Reward: Three referrals get you two movie tickets plus food coupons for two.
    • Extra Perk: Setting up meetings with all three referrals unlocks shopping vouchers worth more than Rs. 1,000/-.
    • Bonus: If all three referrals result in sales, you could win an air ticket to Thailand or Singapore.

Don’t worry gifts and rewards are even for giving referrals or just setting up meeting if it doesn’t get converted. Why wait, refer today!!!


Why Participate?

  • Networking Advantage: Leverage your corporate connections to benefit mutually.
  • Exciting Rewards: From movie outings to exotic vacations, our rewards are designed to delight.
  • Ease of Referral: Referring is easy – just provide the contact details, and we handle the rest.

Get Started:

To make a referral, simply visit RAC Referral Program and fill in the details of your referral. Our team will follow up, and once the referral is deemed valid, your rewards are on the way!

Terms & Conditions:

  • Referrals must be for corporate or multinational companies.
  • Rewards are subject to the referred company’s engagement with RAC.
  • Additional terms and conditions apply.

Join our referral program today and start turning your network into rewards!